Overwatch – Periodically cleans up errors and eliminates junk that accumulates while you play. Also removes the “greater than 8” and “requires adult” restrictions. Mover – I use this mod to retains the dreams and opportunities of Sims when I switch active households. I also recommend the optional modules including Cheats, Integration, and Progression. Also allows you to select any Sim in the world. Master Controller – Adds options that allow you to control and change just about anything in your Sims 3 world. I also recommend downloading the optional modules for this mod especially Career, Extra, Money, Others, Population, Relationship, and Skill. Story Progression – Replaces EA’s Story Progression with a MUCH better system. These mods are essential, and I could not play without them.
I typically play each game in cycles, so this list will be updated when I’m in a Sims 3 cycle. I update this page as I add mods to my game or remove the ones I no longer use.
Just like my Sims 2 mods list and S ims 4 mods list, this list is a constant work in progress. These are all the mods I use in my game, organized by category. Here is my recommended mods list for The Sims 3.
If you have installed everything 100% correct and it still doesn’t work you might have an outdated version of the Recource.Little Mortimer scours the web for all the best Sims 3 Mods. You can only put the files 1 folder deep inside the mods folder, if you create a folder within a folder in your mods folder the mod will not work. “Extract the zip file to Your “The Sims 4” Mods folder OR Extract the zip file anywhere You want then put the files in Your mods folder. Running over a Sim and kicking them into a moving vehicle. Finally you can go home after a hard day of killing and take a shower to rinse off all the blood. The heart will go to your Sim’s inventory which you can actually sell or eat. What I really like is taking trophies from the Ripping A Sim’s Heart Out murder. Hold Sims at gunpoint for money, and of course a new Murder Holiday Tradition if you have the Seasons expansion pack. Spraying Uzi Out of a car which is the best option for doing a drive by shooting on rival gang members or for fun. ĭOWNLOAD ON PATREON > EXTREME VIOLENCE MOD (FREE AFTER ) The latest update for the Sims 4 Extreme Violence Mod 2.3 includes 8 brutal murders and ways to kill Sims.