It doesn’t grow in SM anymore, and within the areas it can be found, like Hinterlands, Desolace or Arathi Highlands, the Goldthorn nodes are quite rare. Gathering Goldthorn is not quite easy nowadays, because Scarlet Monastery was changed, and most players used to farm it there. If you want to be a true auction house player, you should never let pass such an opportunity, when you come across it, especially if you have plenty of gold to invest.

Sometimes players auction materials, gear, potions, flasks, consumables etc, much less under their average value, because they are unaware of their real value, because they want to actually help leveling players or simply because they want to get rid of them. So, here they are: Not buying when prices are insanely cheap In this post I’m going to cover exactly that: 5 of the most common mistakes when playing the auction house in WoW.

However, if you want to make decent amounts of gold this way, you should learn a thing or two about the auction house in WoW, what’s worth to buy and re-auction, and most importantly, to learn from the mistakes of other players. Playing the auction house is an excellent way to make gold in World of Warcraft.